How to assign an Alexa

Assign or remove Amazon Echo devices

We identify each Alexa with the last three digits of the DSN (device serial number). We call it the 3 digit code or the QR code. The three digit code is located on a sticker on the bottom of the device. 

Devices must be moved by Speak2. Communities can move Residents, but they cannot move devices. You can scan the QR code and share the room number you'd like to move the Alexa to or email

How to move an Alexa device 

  1. Open the Staff app IMG_222495B1B38C-1
  2. Click the Question Mark icon in the top left corner
  3. Click the QR button. 
    1. Allow access to camera
  4. Scan the QR Code
    1. If there is no QR code, type in the 3 digit code.
  5. Enter the room number 
  6. Click submit. 
  7. Speak2 will assign the device and confirm with you
    1. If you do not have the Staff app, you can email with 



How to Remove an Alexa Device 

  1. Scan the QR code via the Staff app or email the 3 digit code.
  2. Speak2 will then confirm if you want to remove this Alexa device. If you do, it will go into set up mode and will need to be reset the next time you use it. 
  3. Once confirmed, Speak2 will remove it from your system.