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  2. Manage Residents and Staff

Create and manage groups

How to make groups for residents or staff

Ceate groups of residents, staff, and a mix of residents and staff. Including both staff and residents in that group ensures that communications and scheduling are aligned for all parties. 

Groups perpetuate throughout the whole system. Sending announcements, scheduling activities, and sharing documents all use the same groups.

How to create a group

  1. Click groups under the Wrench icon in the top right corner
  2. Click Create Group to make a new group
    1. Add a name, category, members, description, URL, min or max, check if residents vcan see the group, add a doc or image
  3. You can view members, click edit icon or the delete the group



  • Bowling group where residents and staff visit a bowling alley once a week together. 
  • Resident council where only key leaders are included on communication. 
  • West wing group where it includes all apartments on the west side of the building. 

What are included in groups?

  • Description
  • Default image
  • Category 
  • Members
  • URL
  • Minimum and maximum capacity
  • Documents associated 

Can Residents view every group? 

No, residents can only view groups that are checked with Resident View. 

There may be a group called “Diabetic Residents” that is used by staff but would not be visible to residents in their app, etc.