Curated Alexa Skills

Alexa Skills are similar to what an "app" is on a phone. There are thousands of skills that do everything from play games to guided meditation. alexa-news

Like apps, skills are developed by independent companies that focus on specific areas of expertise. E.g., iHeartRadio is an online radio provider. Their Alexa skill provides access to all of their radio stations and podcast. Meditopia is a company that provides guided meditation and sleep stories.

The skills available to your residents are managed - meaning they are put on the device purposefully. If a resident asks for a skill that is not assigned to that device, it will not be accessible. For example, if a resident says "Alexa, open Uber" they will be told that the Uber skill is not available on their device (and they cannot order a ride).

Speak2 does not influence or control the skills provided by other companies. While we try to keep skills up-to-date, sometimes the creators discontinue support.

Like apps, Alexa skills are intended for a variety of audiences. Not all skills are appropriate for those in Senior Living. As such, Speak2 spends time researching skills that work well for Independent & Assisted Living as well as Memory Care. 

The link provided here is an up-to-date view of the skills that are currently available on Alexa, how to use them, and any other notes we think might help.