Dimensions of wellness & resident likes

Resident likes and dimensions of wellness play a huge in Speak2. You can fill in dimensions of wellness or dietary on a service which can match to a resident and their likes. 

If you fill out dietary components on a dining service and a resident has checked that they are low sodium, then they can be warned about potentially salty meals.

Resident Likes & Dietary

  • Fill out resident likes in the Resident Record > Profile
  • Residents can fill out their likes in the Speak2 Neighbors app under their Profile 
  • Edit Dietary restrictions under Resident Record > Dietary
  • Add in Dietary goals under Resident Record > Dietary

Adding Dimensions of Wellness and Dietary

Select dimensions of wellness and dietary in the Service creation. 

  1. Open Services. Click Wrench Icon > Services
  2. Select the Service or create a new one
  3. Scroll down and click the "Wellness" tab to select dimensions of wellness
  4. Click "Dietary" tab to add dietary elements