Connect your EHR
Our position is that nobody has time for double-entry of data. As such, we require the integration of systems where existing data, or the “source of truth” data exists.
EHRs are typically where resident move-in, move-apartment, and move-out, along with basic resident information, is stored. The first step of any deployment should be to identify this integration point and create this integration so that redient information is in sync and tested prior to launch.
What are the next steps?
- identify your system of record and the technical owner of the system
- connect the system owner with Speak2 to identify integration steps.
- identify any costs associated with this integration, E.g., many vendors have a monthly fee for integration access, or Speak2 may have costs if they exceed 10 hours of effort.
- create timeline for integration with start and end dates
- execute integration
- validate integration with local staff to ensure accuracy
Resident Records
If the above project does not provide the resident data, or there are additional fields or other systems to integrate with, they should be identified as early as possible, and a plan should be defined to make use of that data or replace those systems, to reduce or eliminate any double entry.
Staff Records
Staff systems that provide a common login and password are not as ubiquitous. If a staff system of record is managed, such as an HR, corporate directory, payroll, or clocking system, it is preferred to interface with that system so staff can use a common login. However, if this is not possible, there are mechanisms to manage staff directly in the Speak2 portal, which is covered in the feature sections below.
While asset management and work order tools (Tels, Worxhub) often have some level of asset identification, we record a review of those systems to ensure they are capturing the types of assets that are used in Speak2.
Speak2 views any item in a community as a potential asset to be connected to an event, group or resident record.
Asset examples: theaters, cars, tables, game sets, etc. that can be reserved or booked
If there is a current system where all assets are managed, Speak2 prefers to interface with that system. It is likely that we have already executed an integration with your vendor, in which case the connection only requires the steps as identified in the EHR section. If the system is new for Speak2 purposes, we will need to identify the level of effort and cost and process as a short project.