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  2. Manage Residents and Staff

Editing Residents

How to edit, move or remove residents. Learn how to update their Resident Record.

The residents are the reason we are here. We have created a comprehensive view of residents and the data that drives their satisfaction. View and manage your residents here!


If Residents are removed or moved out, their history will remain in Speak2 for up to 90 days. To view these residents, check the “Include Inactive” button.

If this button is not selected, you will only see current, active residents.

How do residents become inactive?

For a resident to become inactive, they must be Removed by manually removing them in their Resident record or removed through an integration. 

Adding New Residents

There are two ways to add new residents. 

  1. Residents are created automatically with an integration to your EHR system. When a new resident moves in or out, our system will automatically update it. 
  2. Manually add Residents in the Speak2 Portal.
    1. Click the Residents icon and then click Create New.
    2. You will add in their information and choose which Room.
    3. A new resident can only be added to an empty room. If there is another Resident in that room, it is occupied, and you must remove them before adding the new resident. 

How to Move Residents 

  1. Find the Resident and click their name.
  2. Click the "About" tab and scroll to the bottom.
    Screenshot 2023-12-28 at 5.26.46 PM
  3. Click Move Resident
  4. Select the new Room from the drop down and click Move. Screenshot 2023-12-28 at 5-30-02 PM-png
  5. If you receive this message, "Move blocked.  Ensure that the room doesn't have an occupant." this means that there is already someone living in that current room. Go to that room and remove that previous resident so that you can make the appropriate adjustment.Screenshot 2023-12-28 at 5-30-44 PM-png-2

Removing or Deleting Residents

  1. Find the Resident and click their name.
  2. Click the "About" tab and scroll to the bottom.
    Screenshot 2023-12-28 at 5.26.46 PM
  3. Click "Remove Resident". A pop will come up, confirming you want to remove them. 



View your Activity Participation (number of residents who participated) and your Check in Trends (number of residents checking in). These are quick graphs that can provide insight into basic usage.