ROI, Community Kickoff and what you need to get started with Speak2
Features and ROI
The first step is to determine what features align best with your desired outcomes. Further, we want to identify where Speak2 provides a Return on Investment (ROI) based on your use cases.
During the process of determining if Speak2 is a fit for you, we expect to execute an ROI evaluation. For this, we use a proprietary document and spreadsheet and execute with your team in a consultative fashion. If this step has not already been executed, we highly recommend engaging to identify how Speak2 can make an impact and save money for your community.
If you have not already identified your target features and ROI, click here to review the process and get started. It doesn't take much time and is well worth the effort.
One outcome of this effort is determining which features you plan to use and what the expected timeline will be to implement those features. We assume this is already in place, and the following steps are aligned with the outcomes of this exercise.
Using your test device
Speak2 will send a test Alexa device to your community at the earliest possible time to validate that the network is correct and that Alexa can operate in various locations as expected. We will coordinate with your team on this, and you will receive a test device prior to the community kick-off call.
When you receive the test device, plug the device in and ask the following questions. Ask the questions in a few different locations to confirm the network reaches.
- Alexa, where am I?
- Alexa, I need a nurse
- Alexa, tell me the news
- Alexa, what's the weather?
Tip: Test the device in an office, common areas on different floors, hallways, and places that are known for not having strong WiFi. We want to be prepared and aware of any weak areas.
Community Kick Off Call with Speak2
There are a few steps to follow to ensure a successful start with Speak2. Our kick-off call is the mechanism to get things started. We identify items for you to prepare, such as defining your community contact list, and we use the call to validate these items, assist with any questions, and get you on your way to being part of the Speak2 family.
Community Liaisons
Each community should have a primary representative who is the official Speak2 liaison. This person is our primary point of contact. They should be given responsibility and the associated time to ensure Speak2 is successful within your community.
Who can be a community liaison?
There can be multiple people in this role, and there should be at l; least one person from each department who is responsible for the use of Speak2 within their area.
Liaisons should be identified prior to the kick off call and attend the kickoff call.
Who should be on the kickoff call?
All liaisons should attend the kickoff call, including the main liaison, any backups or other community staff that will have responsibility.
If this is not possible due to timing, Speak2 will host an alternate kick off call for those secondary people.
Read below on details what is required before and after the kickoff call.
Tip: Looking for the checklist? Click here.
Your Resident Roster
We require your resident roster or census, with all apartment numbers, in order to set up your portal. Ideally, we populate this via an integration to an existing system, such as an EHR.
In the case where that has not happened or is planned for a later date, we require a census prior to the kick off call.
Community Contact List
Create your Community Contact list. These contacts will be available to all residents for Alexa calling.
At a minimum, the front desk number should be programmed, but any contacts that make sense for residents to call can be included and pre-programmed prior to distribution.
Tip: Creating a community contact list provides instant value to Alexa.
It is often looked at as a safety precaution, so if someone cannot reach a phone, pendant or pull cord, they can use their voice to call and receive help.
How to update your Community Contacts
- Search for Resident "Community Contact"
- To add a phone number, click "Cell-Landline".
- To add an Alexa device, click "Apartment to Apartment"Add, edit or delete contacts.
Some communities consider creating an “All Residents” group, enabling residents to make room to room calls to each other. This is a decision that is community-specific and should be considered carefully, as enabling residents to call each other's Alexa devices freely can create a disruptive environment if abused.
Resident Address Book
Every resident has their own address book. The contacts added are connected to residents in the following ways:
- Residents can call any US-based landline or cell phone in their contacts using Alexa.
- Contacts can call the residents Alexa device using the Speak2 Community app or the Alexa app.
- Live video calling is possible, depending on your subscription.
- Contacts can revive community announcements via email or text message.
- Contacts can use the Community app to see the menu, activities, announcements, set notifications and see attendance if given that level of access
Note: You cannot call international phone numbers or 911.
Prior to the kick off call, resident contacts should be collected. We will train staff on how to add these contacts during the kick off call, or these can be entered directly following the instructions in our knowledge base.
One or multiple staff should be identified as responsible for entering the community/activity calendar into Speak2.
Prior to the kick off call, these resources should be identified and have access to the events calendar. We will demonstrate how to enter calendar events on the kick off call, and those resources can also learn how to do this in our knowledge base.
One or multiple staff should be identified as responsible for entering the community into Speak2.
Prior to the kick off call, these resources should be identified and have access to the menu(s) for data entry. We will demonstrate how to enter menu information during the kick off call, and those resources can also learn how to do this in our knowledge base.
Alexa Ambassadors
The Ambassador program is an Amazon-driven program where specific residents are influencers, trainers and champions of the Speak2 program within your community. Alexa Ambassadors are trained and have consistent communication with Speak2.
We highly recommend identifying a few Ambassadors. Speak2 will execute a separate kickoff call with Ambassadors, and provide materials, special equipment, and some fun swag!
See the “Alexa Ambassador” document here.
Family Notification
We provide materials that can be sent to families about the program. This can be sent directly or included in monthly newsletters.
If desired, a family webinar can be scheduled to address families directly and answer questions.
Please consider the role you want families to have and what communication is necessary, and prepare to discuss this on our kick off call.
Speak2 will provide materials for distribution to residents during the device distribution. The Resident Packet will have introductory materials, notes about privacy and sample uses for residents to review.
Materials should be printed prior to any workshops or device distribution.
Ready for your kickoff call? Follow this checklist.
Prior to the kick off call, please ensure the following have been addressed.
- Test device validated
- Community census shared
- Community liaisons identified and available for kick off
- Calendar content owner identified
- Menu content owner identified
- Community Contact List shared
- Resident Address Books input
- Device distribution team identified and reviewed training
- Documents for printing in-hand
- Onsite workshop identified