1. Support Center
  2. Manage Residents and Staff

Staff Profiles and Permissions

Understanding and assigning the right user role is important

Managing your staff and having insight into their activities, including availability, their schedule and the time they are spending on specific tasks, is critical.

Insight into staff activity enables a community to provide better support for their existing staff, will attract new staff to work in a modernized environment, and ensures residents and their families can find the right people at the right time.


There are different types of roles. 

Staff Role

Team members can manage content, send announcements and address resident orders. Further, each staff member has their own calendar to schedule their tasks, enabling visibility for themselves and others. Staff are usually mobile and focused on providing services directly to residents and their families.  Most often they are mobile and use our Staff App.

Power User Role

These team members have a bit more access to the tools provided by Speak2. The power user can assign tasks and see more across the community, as well as configure content and roles for others. 

This role is typically applied to front desk, management and resident liaisons. They can send announcements, create/update community information and manage orders. 

Assigning Departments

Each staff member can be assigned a department. This is a VERY important aspect of setting up staff. By assigning a department, that staff or power user will be activated to see and manage service requests for those departments.

Below is a typical use case:

  • John is assigned to Maintenance, but also drives the bus and helps with technology. Therefore John should be assigned to Maintenance, Technology and Transportation.
  • Your Housekeeping staff will receive specific requests for their role, so assigning them to other departments will distract them for the tasks meant for their role.
  • Tracy is an Executive Director. She wants to be notified about all service requests in the community, so she is assigned to all departments. 

To assign staff:

1. navigate to your staff list by clicking the staff icon on the top right menu.

2. Select the "staff detail" icon:

3. Here you will see the details about a staff member. You can update any of the details and click Submit. Below is what the department selections will look like.

If a specific department is not turned on for staff, they will NOT receive any alerts. It's important to make sure the right department toggle is on. 

Each Staff has their own Calendar and Profile details


You can view, export or print calendar details. In each Staff calendar, any requests, orders or events will be saved here. You can create a new event or edit a previous one. 


First name, last name and other About details. Update any contact information including phone number and email alerts.

You can change your password or update departments this user is associated with. Be sure to update your profile photo so you can be identified throughout the whole system.