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  2. Services and Requests

Universal Services

Select your service from our universal library

In an effort to make your adoption of Speak2 more efficient, we have provided a library of common services that our customers have endorsed as being highly valuable.

In your Services configuration screen, you will see 3 tabs, as per below image. Follow these steps to adopt a Speak2 provided Universal Service.

Add a Universal Service

  1. Click the Config button on the top right menu.
  2. Select Services
  3. Select Universal Services
  4. To adopt this service into your community library, click "Sync to this Community"
  5. This service will now be displayed in your Community Services library.
  6. YOU MUST update the Asset/Location field and click Submit.

You can change any settings once the service is added to your community library. Be sure to update the Asset/Location field, as this must be one of your local assets/locations. Feel free to update any other fields to suit your needs.