Healthy routines are valuable for everyone. Encourage the “Alexa, good morning” routine.
When residents say, "Alexa, good morning", residents are greeted and presented with community content and messages from friends, family, and staff.
The simple and memorable phrase has multiple benefits:
- The resident is logged to our check-in system with a timestamp. This can be used to manage and analyze the time of day this is happening, which is good information to have about your residents to help promote wellness and prevent unwanted outcomes.
- The resident is presented content based on what you have turned on for your community. Below are the content types currently available (this is expanding regularly)
- Question of the Day
- Community Messages
- Calendar/Activities
- Menu
- Resident of the Month
- Staff of the Month
- Birthdays
- Messages from Friends and Family
- Staff is able to view if a resident has engaged via the staff app or portal.
- Family can see if their loved one is up and about in the Community app.
How to set up Good Morning routine:
- Login to
- Navigate to the Check In feature. View more information here.
- Note the tabs a the top of the feature. Select the “Content” tab
- Toggle the content that you want as part of your Good Morning routine
- If you choose Question of the Day, enter one or more questions (or that feature will not work properly).