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  2. Resident Communication Tools


How to send an announcement

Announcements are alerts sent to Residents and/or Staff/Families via Alexa, text, email. Sent them to everyone, individuals, multiple residents or groups. They can be sent real-time or scheduled in advance and repeated. An announcement automatically reads out loud and displays on the screen.

If a Resident misses an announcement on their Alexa, they can ask, “Alexa, what are my notifications?” to hear the latest announcements. 

How to Send Announcements 

Watch a video here, or read the instructions below. 

How to send a Real-time Announcement on the Web

  1. Go to Announcements widget on the Dashboard or click Announcements on left hand navigation.
  2. Type your Announcement in the text box
  3. Select your recipients 
  4. If a Resident misses the announcement, they can ask, "Alexa, what are my notifications?" and hear the latest announcement. 
  5. Click SMS to send a text. Click Email to send an email. Click the Staff icon to send to Staff. If you do not click these, they will not send an email, text or to staff.  
    1. To send to families, make sure they have "Enable Announcements" checked in their Contact. 
  6. If you have Echo Shows, you can pin the announcement to the screen up to 60 minutes. Use the slider to change the time. 
  7. Click Send Announcement

How to Send a Scheduled Announcement on the Web

  1. Navigate to the Announcements on the Dashboard or the Announcements page here. 
  2. Type your Announcement in the text box
  3. Select your recipients. 
  4. Click "Scheduled Announcement"
  5. Select the Date/Time and if you'd like this Announcement to repeat. 
  6. Click Send Announcement. It will be sent at the time you selected. You can view all future and past announcements in the calendar view below. 

How to Send an Announcement on the App

  1. Open the Staff App and click "Announcements"
  2. Click the + button in the top right corner

  3. Add your announcement. Type in your text, select your recipients, click "Add to Notifications" and click Send. You cannot send a scheduled Announcement on the app. 

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How to Edit or Delete an Announcement

  1. Click the Announcements page on the left hand navigation
  2. Scroll to the bottom to the Calendar view. 
  3. Click the Announcement you'd like to Edit or Delete.
    1. If it is a repeating announcement, you can edit that single announcement or edit/delete all the announcements created. 
  4. Click Delete, or make edits and click save. 

Announcement examples

  • “Hello, this is Jillian. The elevator on the right wing is out of service. We are fixing it ASAP”
  • To the Resident Council group, via Alexa and email “Hi there, as a reminder, Resident council will be hosted in the Activity Room today.”
  • To Staff via text “Hey community, today is the last day for our raffle. Make sure to put in your final raffles today!”