How to add contacts
Alexa Address Book
You can add, invite or view contacts in the Resident Record.
- To add or view contacts search for the Resident.
- Click their name. The first tab is the Address Book.
Contacts can be managed by staff, or you can invite the Resident or a family member to manage contacts directly.
Cell-Landline Contacts
Use this if staff are managing contacts directly.
- Go to the resident's address book in their resident record
- Click Create Contact.
- Select Cell-Landline
- Add the phone number with contact name.
- Optional: Add their email.
- Optional: Check off "Announcements" if you would like them to receive text or email announcements.
Inbound checked/enabled = Alexa app is setup and the contact can make/receive calls via the Alexa App. Click the refresh button next to the contact name to enable calling!
Inbound X/disabled = Alexa app is NOT setup and the contact can only receive calls from the community Alexa. They cannot make calls to the device.
App Entered - Community App Contacts
Families can manage and add contacts directly. Send them an invite, they will receive a text message with a 4 digit code and sign up. First, you must invite them.
- Go to the resident's address book in their resident record
- Check RP (Responsible Party) to invite a family member to the Community app
- Check Resident to invite a resident to the Neighbors app
- Enter their phone number and click send
There is only one "Relationship Manager". If multiple family members want to join, invite one, and then they can invite the others.
You can always view contacts under the App Entered section. You can add an unlimited number of contacts, including landlines and cell phones.
Apartment to Apartment Contacts
These can also be called room-to-room contacts. They allow one Alexa to call another Alexa in your community.
- Go to the resident's address book in their resident record
- Click Create Contact.
- Select Room-Room
- Select the name.