Create assets to use in your services. Assets are locations for events or activities, items that are required for a task, or something a resident or staff would like to reserve or book. You will select the availability and maximum quantity (or participants). The availability establishes when the asset can be used. The minimum/maximum levels establish how many can be used at a time or number of people can register for an event.
If an Asset is a room or location, the asset name is what a resident will hear on Alexa and see in their calendar.
How to create an asset
- Click the Wrench icon in the top right corner and select Assets.
- Click Create Asset to make a new asset or location
- Add a name and select a category (pick Other if nothing matches).
- Add Minimum and Maximum capacity. These are critical fields as they determine how many people can attend events.
- Add Availability. These are also critical fields since this is established when the asset (location or item) can be used or registered by residents.
- Optional to add a description, URL such as a website or video, image or document such as instructions or guides.
- Save the Asset/Location. It can now be used in Services.
Minimum/maximum capacity and availability are super important. They determine how many people can attend and when they can.
About Assets
- Assets have an availability schedule. E.g. The theater may only be available between 3:00-6:00 Monday through Friday.
- These assets can be attached to services and booked. This will give insight into the availability of services, locations, etc.
- Assets can also impact the volume of usage. For example, a salon may only have 3 chairs, and a bus may only have 10 seats.
- Assets have a name, description, default image, Level of Care assignment, URL, minimum and maximum capacity, and availability schedule.
- Assets can have documents associated with them, such as instructions on how to use A/V equipment or directions for a game.
When you create a service, you can have a Primary asset and multiple secondary assets.
E.g., your primary asset might be the Theater, and the secondary assets might be the popcorn machine and speakers.