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  2. Services and Requests

Assets and Locations

Create assets to use in your services. Assets are locations for events or activities, items that are required for a task, or something a resident or staff would like to reserve or book. You will select the availability and maximum quantity (or participants). The availability establishes when the asset can be used. The minimum/maximum levels establish how many can be used at a time or number of people can register for an event. 

If an Asset is a room or location, the asset name is what a resident will hear on Alexa and see in their calendar. 

How to create an asset 

  1. Click the Wrench icon in the top right corner and select Assets. 
  2. Click Create Asset to make a new asset or location
  3. Add a name and select a category (pick Other if nothing matches). 
  4. Add Minimum and Maximum capacity. These are critical fields as they determine how many people can attend events.
  5. Add Availability. These are also critical fields since this is established when the asset (location or item) can be used or registered by residents. 
  6. Optional to add a description, URL such as a website or video, image or document such as instructions or guides.  
  7. Save the Asset/Location. It can now be used in Services.

Minimum/maximum capacity and availability are super important. They determine how many people can attend and when they can. 

About Assets

  • Assets have an availability schedule. E.g. The theater may only be available between 3:00-6:00 Monday through Friday.
  • These assets can be attached to services and booked. This will give insight into the availability of services, locations, etc.
  • Assets can also impact the volume of usage. For example, a salon may only have 3 chairs, and a bus may only have 10 seats.
  • Assets have a name, description, default image, Level of Care assignment, URL, minimum and maximum capacity, and availability schedule.
  • Assets can have documents associated with them, such as instructions on how to use A/V equipment or directions for a game.

When you create a service, you can have a Primary asset and multiple secondary assets.

E.g., your primary asset might be the Theater, and the secondary assets might be the popcorn machine and speakers.