Automate Daily Calendars

With Speak2 and Prntyr, you can have daily calendars created automatically and sent to your email.

Create a Daily Calendar

  1. Click Prntyr on the bottom left navigation in your Speak2 portal
  2. You should be automatically logged into Prntyr. If you are not, just enter your Speak2 user name and password.
  3. Click either Newsletter or Slides in the top navigation. For this article we will be selecting Slides.
  4. Go to Content section on the right side of the page and select "Calendar" to grab your calendar events or Menu if you're building a monthly menu to print.
  5. Select your content type like Calendar
  6. Follow the content based on your goals as shown in the image here:
  7. Hit submit and your slide will populate with the content from Speak2 
  8. Use the Top and Side design bars to make edits, change fonts, and more. See below for some highlights and tips.

TIP: Placing the content in a table allows you more flexibility in changing the style of specific elements, such as making time bold, etc.

Style Your Daily Calendar

  1. Now that your content is on the canvas, you can manipulate it in a variety of ways to make it visually appealing.
    1. Content in table
    2. Content without Table
  2. The below sections will provide specific tips on how to use the top and left toolbars and what they do. You can also use one of the prebuilt designs from teh Designs section of Prntyr to get you started.

Add Content Elements

You can design your daily printing using the canvas (main area that will be printed) and the controls on teh left and design elements at the top of the canvas area.

  1. Using the left side bar, drag any controls onto the canvas. You can edit them and make them look how you want using the top toolbar. E.g., you can drag the Paragraph control to the cavas and change the font, color and size of the text of the paragraph.

  2. You can also move the controls to anywhere on the canvas by clicking and holding and dragging the item. 
  3. You can resize the items by double-clicking and dragging teh circle on teh bottom right of the control object

The Date control can be used at the top of your daily sheet. It will automatically update every day for you.


  1. Drag the image control to the canvas
  2. You can either select an existing images from the provided images, or click My Images to use one of your previously uploaded images
  3. See below for hints on managing images in your design

Aligning Controls

  1. Select any controls by holding down the Shift key and double clicking an item OR by dragging the mouse from top left across the canvas.
  2. Open the Alignment icon
  3. Align as needed. Click anywhre ein the canvas t unselect all items.

NOTE: The top toolbar has many ways to manage your design and content. These should be familiar if you have used similar tools int he past such as MS Word or Canva.

Created an Automated PDF

You can have a PDF sent to your email every morning with that days content by following these steps.

  1. Finalize your design and ensure you have your content set from your Speak2 content.
  2. Select "Create PDF" on right side of the screen
  3. Fill in the fields to configure your automated PDF emails and click Submit
  4. You will receive an email with a PDF for you to Print every morning with the content for that day

TIP: If there are changes to be made, you can make them in the Speak2 calendar and generate a new PDF by selecting the Template and printing exporting.