Neighbors App

The Neighbors app is the Speak2 resident app

The Speak2 Neighbors (Residents) app is available on iOS and Google Play store. 

Neighbors app featuresneighbors

  • Update Resident likes
  • Manage address book
  • Make a request
  • Check on current, future and past requests
  • View and add to resident calendar
  • View dining menu
  • Check in with your community
  • View Directory and Groups. 
  • Search for residents with similar likes
  • View community announcements
  • Access community specific links 
  • Contact Speak2 Support


How to join the Neighbors app

  1. Go to their Resident Record > Address Book > App Entered. 
  2. Select "Neighbors" checkmark. Add their cell phone and email.
    1. There is only one relationship manager per resident. If a family wishes to join the Community app, the Resident (the relationship manager) will invite them from the Neighbors app. 
    2. If a family member is already the relationship manager, the Resident can still access the Neighbors app. The family member must invite them from the Community app Address Book. 

Make a request on the Neighbors app

  1. Click the Department name
  2. All active/bookable services will display. Select the service 
  3. Select any add ons if available
  4. Enter order name, all relevant details and a photo
  5. Click Now to request the service immediately. Click Schedule to request a time
  6. Click Send
    1. If you click cancel, it will bring you back to the list of Services. 

Click the bell icon at the top center to view any request status!!

Register for an event on the Neighbors app

  1. Click Calendar
  2. Click the day the event is occurring
  3. Click the event name. 
  4. To register or attend an event, click "Not Attending". It will change from gray to green and the label will change to "Attending"
  5. To deregister, click the green button. It will change to "Not attending" .

Add Resident Likes on the Neighbors app

  1. Click the profile icon in the top right corner
  2. Click each Subject to open up possible likes. There are subcategories, so just click each one to see options. 
  3. Click the checkbox off for your "likes"
  4. These will save to the Resident Record in Speak2 staff portal

Resident likes are hidden gems! This is the best way to form organic groups and host highly interested activities or events. 

View Groups and the Directory on the Neighbors app

Click the Social icon to view any resident groups created. You can then view your Resident Directory and search for any common interests among the community.