Print Calendars with Prntyr

While we all strive to save the trees, we know that residents like their paper calendars. Below are steps and tips to create robust and automated calendars for printing.

Print 30-day calendars

  1. Click Prntyr on the bottom left navigation in your Speak2 portal
  2. You should be automatically logged into Prntyr. If you are not, just enter your Speak2 user name and password.
  3. Click Calendar in the top navigation
  4. Go to Content section on the right side of the page and select "Calendar" to grab your events calendar or Menu if you're building a monthly menu to print.
  5. Select your content type like Calendar
  6. Follow the steps as shown in the image here:
  7. Hit submit and your Calendar will populate with the content from Speak2 
  8. Use the Top design bar to make edits, change font, and more. See below for some highlights and tips.

Tip: Export your calendar as a PDF or Word document if you want more flexibility and design control 

More things you can do below....

Change to an 17 x 11 Calendar Size

  1. Click the Size icon on the Design bar
  2. Select Landscape 17x11 
  3. You may need to resize your browser to see the calendar best for the size you have chosen

Change the font, size and color of your text 

  1. Note the Clock icon is red in the Design bar. This means your content is locked and you are free to style it (but not edit the content itself).
  2. Click the Style button, outlined in red, and you can alter the content styles in the calendar.
  3. Edit the styles as needed
  4. Note: You can only edit these if the content is locked with the red clock icon.

Auto-Fit Row sizes to Suit your Content

  1. With the clock icon unselected (not red) you can click the "Fit to Row" icon, and all rows and columns will be altered to the size of your content
  2. To reapply your styles, click the Clock icon at any time.

Drag Rows and Columns for Sizing

  1. You can manually resize any row or column by hovering your mouse over the area between rows/columns. Click and hold to drag the size of the row or column

Often Sunday and Saturday do not have events and can be made smaller to create more space for weekdays.

Select the "Day of the Week" row and change the font, size or background color

  1. Select the row by clicking the boxed area next to the row
  2. With the row selected (it will become have a darker highlight when selected) you can use the toolbar to change the font, size or background color of the days of the week.
  3. The same can be done for the Month row. You can also click into any box and type to update as desired. E.g., change "June" to "June, 2024"

Save Your Calendar!

  1. On the top right area of your screen are buttons to save or export your calendar. Simply click the Save button and you will prompted to name this calendar (or "template"). 

  2. Your saved calendars are shown on the bottom right of the screen. You can retrive the exact content and design by clicking this any time.

Export Your Calendar

  1. You can export your calendar to be an image, PDF or Word document. Press the corresponding button for the format you wish to download.

TIP: Most download the calendar to Word format and further manipulate it before printing.

Print Your Calendar

  1. You can print directly from Prntyr if you are satisfied with the calendar. When you press the print icon, you will be prompted by your computer to print using the system print dialogue. 

NOTE: Speak2 does not control how the printing on your computer or printer works. If you are strugglign to print as needed, please contact your IT support.