Create questions and record residents answers. Ask questions to keep them engaged, find out specific information for them, like if they enjoyed the new dinner special or music program, or just ask for fun.
Alexa can ask your question, and the resident will say their answer and their answer will be recorded in Reports and their Resident Record.
How to create a Question of the Day
- Click "Checkin" on the left hand navigation
- Click the "Content" tab
- Turn on the toggle for "Question of the day"
- Click "Create New" and create your questions
How do residents interact?
Residents can engage in two ways.
- During the Check In routine, if the QOTD toggle is enabled, residents will be asked the questions of the day.
2. Residents can say "Alexa, what's the question of the day?".
Attached is a Resident Cheat Sheet: QOTD
The question of the day routine will randomly select ANY question from your list of questions.
How to see answers for Question of the Day
- Click "Reports"
- Then click "Content"
- Filter Request Type for "Question of the Day"
- You can also see all questions a specific resident answers in the Resident Record under the "Question of the Day" tab.