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Manage Requests and Orders in the portal

Create, assign, schedule, close requests on the web

The Request View

You can mange all requests/orders in the portal by clicking the Request button in the left hand navigation menu.

Once in the Request Management view, you can edit and update requests all from this page. See the below image for highlights and explore the page to see how it works.

Some highlights are

  • Expand any request/order by clicking the box. 
  • Filter by department, staff member, resident or group.
  • Note, the dates automatically selected are the 7 days prior and 7 upcoming days.
  • Double-click the expanded view of a request to open the detail management screen.
  • Note the upper right icons

By clicking the Star it will make this page the default page when you open up Speak2. For those that are primarily working with requests and orders, this is a very useful item.

Detail Request View

When managing a request, double-click the expanded view and the detail view is presented.

Assign and schedule requests

When you schedule or assign a task to someone, that means they have accepted it. Any requests that have not been assigned show on the left side "Upcoming" or "Open" requests column. You can update the time/date or staff member assigned as many times as needed. 

  1. Go to the Requests page and click the Request 
  2. Check the date and order details. Update it if needed. 
  3. Click Assign and select a Staff. 
  4. Click "Update". 
  5. The Staff will receive a notification on the staff app/web that they have a request. The request will move from Open to Accepted on the right side. 

Residents are not alerted until a request is Scheduled, Assigned, or Accepted.

They will receive an Announcement on their Alexa and push notification to text or email if applicable.

Accepted and closed requests

Once a request is assigned and scheduled, it moves to the right column with green Accepted banner. Once a request is closed, it moves to the Closed column with gray Closed banner. A request can be closed on the app or the web. 

The Request and Order Status Workflow

Managing the status of requests is as simple as moving them from one column to another. Click and hold a card and drag it from one column to the next.

Note that when you move certain cards from Open to Accepted, you will be prompted to Assign a staff member.

NOTE: When you move a card from one column to another, the resident will be notified. DO NOT MOVE CARDS UNLESS YOU INTEND TO NOTIFY THE RESIDENT AND ACTUALLY WANT THAT STATUS UPDATED.

Calendar View

Some roles are more suited for a calendar view of requests and orders. To view the requests in calendar view, click the Calendar icon in the upper right.

  • Note that all of the same filters and date selections apply to the calendar view.
  • You can see your day schedule on teh right and full month on the left.
  • Click any item to opent he detail view.

Send any questions or suggestions to support@speak2family.com