Add locations, auto announcements, and wait lists
Before you create your service calendar, make sure your location assets are set. Each service requires an asset or location asset.
See here on Assets:
And create your service activities in your Service Library:
Each service has pre-configured announcements, notifications and alerts.
Once the activity is dragged and dropped, these are automatically added.
Daily calendar
You'll use the activities you created in your library. You can keep everything the same or use it as a template and make edits. Add something to the calendar by clicking the Accordion arrow and dragging an event to the calendar.
When you drag and drop an event, all historical information is there. Click on the event to edit details and make changes.
- Use the right side to see your service library categories
- Drag your activity or event from the service library onto the calendar
- Click into the activity to edit any details such as signage image, short description or location.
- Click on the calendar or the + button to create a brand new service calendar event. You can create one from scratch or use an existing service.
Monthly calendar
- Click "Calendar" tab
- Click the larger plus button on the right left side to create a service calendar entry
- Go to Prntyr to Print your calendar.
Create a new activity service item
- Select your Service from "Existing Service"
- Use the name that populates in "Service Name" or create a new one
- Use the microphone button if you choose to use your own voice for the event
- Add a "Short Description". This will show up on Alexa
- Select a "Service Category"
- Choose a Start Time and End Time
- Select your "Asset". Choose the asset needed for the event or a generic asset.
- Add "Tags"
- Choose the "Department"
- Check where you want to share the Activity.
- Announcement via Alexa
- Registration allows a resident to register via the Neighbors app/web, and Alexa will ask if Residents want to attend when reading the calendar.
- Display in Signage will show on Alexa screens. Add an image.
- Select your "Calendar Type"
- Choose your "Repetition"
- Add any "Add-ons"
- Click Save
The Registration toggle allows a resident or family member to register for an event.
How do I add a minimum and maximum participant level?
The minimum and maximum participant levels are established from the asset chosen for that service/event. To edit this, click the activity or event and change the number as desired and click Save.
How do I enable a waitlist for an activity or event?
Click into the Activity in Daily or Monthly. Or, enable a waitlist for an activity or event in the Services creation. Click the"Waiting List" checkbox to turn on Waiting List.
When you turn on the Waiting List, you can choose to have this Automated. Turning on the automation means that residents are automatically moved back and forth from Waiting List to Registered as spots become available for the event.
Registration Locking
You can "lock" registration by turning on the Registration Lock toggle above the attendance view. When you lock registration, nobody an register OR unregister for an event. Only Staff can manipulate the Attendance lists when locked. Users are sent a message that the event is locked.
What is the List view on Calendar?
Click here to view "List" to view all entries as a list.
If you are looking for more info on service management, view the Creating Services article.