How to create Services and orders, events
Speak2 calls all events, products, care activities, and anything else done for residents and their families a “Service”. Even food can be viewed as a “service”. Don’t get hung up on the naming - we just needed to call the things you do something, so we call them “services”.
To learn more about services and why they are important in the Speak2 system see this article:
How to create a service
- Click Services under the Wrench icon in the top right corner
- Search or filter by a category to a find a specific service
- Click Create Service to add a new service
- Fill out the form with the appropriate details. See below for an overview of the form sections and their purpose:
- Choose a Location/Asset - choose a location or asset that is associated with the service. This drives capacity and availability.
- Choose secondary asset if necessary
- Choose a Category
- Short Description - this is what will appear on Alexa and in apps.
- Select the Department that is connected to this service.
- Add a URL if there is an external URL or video that is associated with this service.
- Upload an image that will be associated with this service and display on screens.
- Click "Doc" to associate any documents or images with this service.
- Bookable - select this to enable residents to register or sign up for an event or service.
- Share to Calendars - when selected this service will be added to resident calendars.
- Display in Signage - when selected this service will be displayed on TV screens and Alexa screens.
- Auto Notification/Auto Announcements - when selected the system will automatically send an announcement and set notifications to residents about this service.
- Choose a Location/Asset - choose a location or asset that is associated with the service. This drives capacity and availability.
Service Add ons
Service add-ons allow for additional attributes and items to be associated with a service. These items can be selected when a service is presented to a resident to further clarify or define the service. For example, if the Service is "Faucet Repair". Add-ons could be parts and new faucet. If the service is "Yoga", potential add-ons can be a yoga mat, yoga blocks or water bottle.
Note: Service add-ons can be required or have a cost
Add Defaults and Profile details
The fields across the various tabs are flexible and can be used to further provide value to your community and residents. Add tags, costs, dimensions of wellness, tax details, integration codes and more. Click each tab to check off different details. Some highlights:
- Internal cost - the cost to your community for this service for internal cost management purposes.
- External cost - the cost displayed to the resident and tracked in the resident record.
- Minimum requirement - minimum number of people needed for this service.
- Maximum requirement - maximum number of people allowed for this service.
- Waiting List Enabled - select this to have a waiting list if the service reaches maximum requirements.
- Points - track points attainment for this services.
- Click Details to add a billing code or integration key.
How to Edit a service on the web
- Click the wrench icon top right corner and select Services
- Search or click on the service you want to edit.
- The service will open and you can edit any details.
Service examples
- Carpet Cleaning, with Housekeeping Cart as an asset, and toilet paper refill, steam mopping as paid add-ons.
- Dog Walking, with Front Desk handbook and an internal cost of $50 and external cost of $75