What phones or devices are supported for apps?

Speak2 has three (3) apps that are available for Apple and Android devices.

Speak2 Staff Live

For staff that work in a Speak2 community.

Speak2 Community

For friends and family of community residents.

Speak2 Neighbors

For residents of Speak2 communities or family members who are considered the "Responsible Party" of those residents.

Below are the support devices/phones that will work with the Speak2 apps.

Android supported phones

Here is a list of phones that support version 8.0 or later. Note, this goes back to about 2018. You can see a full list of phones and tablets supported here: https://www.android.com/versions/oreo-8-0/

Apple supported phones

Requires iOS version 12.0 or later. You can see a list of the supported phones here: https://support.apple.com/en-lamr/guide/iphone/iphe3fa5df43/12.0/ios/12.0

There are other aspects that can impact functionality. Below are some, but not all, things that can impact the app working:

  • Apple ID is current and executed on the phone
  • Security settings can prevent apps from working. These are user-driven, and we are unable to support individual users with unusual or custom security settings. E.g., VPN software, malware blockers, etc.
  • Wifi or Connectivity issues. The Speak2 app has a lot of data in it; sometimes, it simply loads slowly, and if it is an old phone with low memory, it can take a long time to load.
  • Related to iPods or iPhone 5, while we support this, these are rare in the market and nearly impossible to test.