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Residents can message or text with their contacts. Share audio, photo or video messages

Contacts who are app-capable can use the Speak2 Community app to send text, record their voice, send an audio file, record video, or send an image to Alexa in the resident apartment, and the resident can “text” back using Alexa.

Inviting contacts to the Community App

To “text” back and forth with Alexa, one must use the Speak2 Community app. There is one relationship manager, and the relationship manager can invite unlimited contacts to join. 

  1. Search for the Resident name or apartment number
  2. Go to "App Entered". Enter the contact's cell phone number and email.
    1. They will receive a text message invite. There will be a link to the app and a one-time 4 digit code. They will download the app and click Sign Up to create an account. 
    2. They enter their name, phone number, create a password, and the one-time 4 digit code. 
    3. They will click Accept Terms & Conditions. 
  3. You can view all contacts added on the web. They can invite unlimited US mobile phone numbers to connect. 

Note: Messaging can be accessed directly asking or from the Check In routine.

How to Message Alexas from the Community app


  1. Click the Message bubble icon in the center
  2. Enter text and it will read as Alexas voice. Use the microphone to record an audio message.Or click the photo to send a photo or video
  3. Alexa will give a notification (beeps and blink yellow) when there is a new message for them. Residents can say, "Alexa, what are my messages?" and it will play. They can reply back with an audio message. 
  4. Keep phone notifications on in your phone settings, so you receive an alert when they message back. 


