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  2. Calling & Contacts

Speak2 Call

How to use Speak2 Call

With Speak2 Call, residents and staff can make video calls to each other using the technology at hand. For residents, they can use Alexa to call staff and family by name. Staff can use the Speak2 portal (web) or Speak2 Staff app (iOS and Android) to call residents. Friends and family can use the Speak2 Community app (iOS and Android) to make calls and send messages to residents. 

Speak2 Call uses Alexa Smart Properties "WebRTC" feature. This technology will only work if there is enough WiFi or cell signal. If calls do not successfully execute, please check the strength of your WiFi/cell signal.

How do residents make a video call

Residents can call any staff or contact by saying "Alexa, call name." If the staff is logged into the Speak2 web or app, they will get the call from the resident and answer it using the web or app answer feature.

Here is a sheet to print and give to residents in order to introduce this topic to them.

Receiving calls on the web and app

If you are logged into the web or staff app, you can receive Alexa video calls from residents. Residents will call you by using your user profile name. Calls on the web will ring, and you will press the green answer button to start the call. 

Staff app calls will have a unique ringing interface, as shown below. The sounds will be the default ringtone on your phone.

Your phone will ring whether the Speak2 Staff app is open or closed as long as you are logged into the app. The only way to become unavailable is to log out of the web/app. 


How to call residents Alexa devices from the Speak2 portal (web) 

You can make calls, or residents can call directly from your web browser when staff are logged into the web dashboard. When a call is in progress, you will view the Resident's calendar, outstanding orders, and other details. You can also place an order or add to their calendar from this page. 

  1. Scroll down on the home page to the Live Call section
  2. Select the Resident you'd like to call or select a previously made call to connect with that resident.
  3. If your browser asks you to use your camera or microphone, click Allow on every visit. The Alexa device will not see or hear you if this is not on. 
  4. The video call will start by pressing the green button or close the call/camera by pressing the red button. 

The Call Command Center view

The goal of the Call Command Center view is to enable your community to have a live conversation with video - with any resident at any time - and take action in some way. Place an order/request, take notes, set an appointment, update resident notes, and change status in one window. You can expand the call window either during a call or before a call and see everything relevant about the resident.

  1. To do this, click the upper right corner icon.
  2. In this view, you can see all of the details as shown in the image below:

    1. On/Off Premise
    2. Social Opt In/Out Status
    3. Resident Notes (shared across all apps)
    4. Resident Calendar (toggle to your calendar)
    5. Resident Orders/Place an Order
    6. Resident Call History
    7. Call Notes

Download the PDF Call Center cheat sheet here.

How to call resident Alexa devices from the Staff app 

Calling a resident while on-the-go can save a lot of time and/or give the resident comfort while you are on your way. There are two ways to 

  1. In the staff app, in the bottom, middle, there is a video icon in a circle.
  2. A directory of residents will appear. Tap the video icon for any resident to make a video call.
  3. Another way to make a call is when a request is made. In the request care, there is a video icon. Tapping that icon will call the resident who made the request.

How do I get Speak2 Call?

Reach out to your community liaison and ask! It requires training. 

 Speak2 Call only works with Speak2 Alexa devices and Speak2 apps. Alexa cannot call FaceTime or external Alexa devices owned by consumers.